Shiken is a learning platform but to win the battle for people's attention you need to connect with your learners and make sure they are engaging with your content.
The Marketing page of the Creator area is here to do just that!

The Marketing page features a list of everyone that has followed your creator profile, accessed a free product or purchased a paid product.
The list is fully filterable and searchable and each column can be sorted A-Z by clicking the arrow buttons in the column header.

By clicking on a user you can see the products that they are currently using and their percentage completion together with their last activity date.
Clicking on the action button on the right of the user row allows you to add a user to a group for improved data collection or you can export users using our Zapier integration.
To integrate with the thousands of apps on Zapier all you need to do is hit the "Connect Zapier" button and then create a Zapier account.
You can then connect Shiken via Zaps to mailing list platforms like Mailchimp or to google docs if you want to analyse user data in more detail.